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Ecclesia Farms-

A new vision for the Church

A mob on a mission to grow food 

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Who We Are

About Ecclesia Farms

Ecclesia Farms was established with the goal of creating a sustainable farming community based on principles of prayer, participation, and preparedness. We believe that by working together, we can build a healthier and more resilient future for ourselves and for generations to come.

Our Mission

Mission Statement

Michael French 

Founder, Ecclesia Farms


Our Offerings

At Ecclesia Farms, we offer a range of services to help our community grow and thrive.

Whether you are looking for fresh, locally grown produce, or you want to learn more about sustainable farming practices, we have something for you!

Fresh Produce

Farm Tours

Education and Outreach

Volunteer Opportunities

Community Events

Livestock and Poultry

Farm Store

CSA Shares

Our Partners

Community Organizations and Businesses

Our Farm


Take a look at some of the beautiful produce and livestock we have grown at Ecclesia Farms!

What is this all about?

Ecclesia Farms is a farm project on a mission to grow food based on the fundamental principles of prayer, participation, and preparedness and to inspire the church to take action in this area. As Christians we see and have been warned of times of great food insecurity ahead of us. There is a need to prepare land and develop the skills needed to grow and preserve food to provide for our families and communities. The Dig for Victory campaigns of WW2 are a distant memory, yet a very real and potential reality looming upon us. Foodbank donations are down 50% and Riverford recently reported that 48% of its UK farmers predict they will be out of business by next year. At Ecclesia we feel God is calling us to prepare, to inspire and equip the wider church to understand the need and be ready to help where they can. 

We passionately believe that sustainable chemical free farming practices are essential for the health of our planet and the well-being of our community. Food is more than molecules and the processes involved today have become so far detached from the natural order is is no wonder we are struggling in almost all aspects of heath and wellbeing.

We know God wants us to be connected our food and the land. The Bible is full of references to food and farming yet this is largely missing from most of our gatherings today. We hope to bridge that gap

Our Values

At Ecclesia Farms, we are committed as a group of Christians to building a strong and sustainable farm that is productive at growing and storing nutritious food and also engages and benefits the wider community. We believe that everyone has a role to play in creating a better future, and we are dedicated to providing opportunities for people to participate, pray, and join us in this mission to prepare.

Ecclesia Farms hopes to model a form of Jesus centred mission that not only practically prepares our community with food in a time of increasing food poverty but we intend for it to be a space covered in prayer, where the Holy Spirit is able to work at His pace and people of all walks of life are able to find a peace beyond their understanding.

Working together towards a purpose greater than ourselves can be profoundly life changing. Participating and being physically active while reconnecting with the land is simple but powerful mode for change. 

We want this to be a space where we meet Jesus digging alongside us. 

Ecclesia Farm is based on 3 key principles 





Get Involved


We welcome any members of our community to get involved in the work we do at Ecclesia Farms. Whether you are interested in learning about sustainable farming practices, have a vision for your own land or mission, or you simply want to get your hands dirty and help out on the farm, we would love to hear from you!

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